Thursday, 21 October 2010

College Magazine research

As another practice task we were told to come up with a college magazine front cover and contenst page in our media class - this was to help with our own magazines when we came to do them.
firstly we looked at examples of previous students' work:
this magazine look a lot more indie then most and may appeal to students that tend to like that genre of style and music.

This one brings in to context the idea of the paparazzi and could suggest that college is a place where how you present yourself really matters, therefore to be blunt I think this magazine would appeal to the more materialistic females & hetrosexual males.

Due to the colour scheme in this magazine cover it may make people think that it is about preserving nature and -"going green".
Secondly we looked at example contents pages to work from...
This contents page is fairly basic and looks like it'd appear in a magazine about education and careers.

This contentx page is a lot more fun and funky in comparison to the first, this may appeal to the more laid-back students.

I like this contents page because it is landscape which makes it a little different but I also like it because the image of the girl could be a student and she seems worried so this magazine may be about the struggles of keeping up with work and meeting deadlines at college, therefore giving students tips on how to manage college life.

And Finally we produced our own college magazine cover and contents page - Here is the one I produced....

 Above is my own College magazine - I named it Prior Times. It is the halloween edition. I placed different images to go along with the pieces of texts and used the epileptical marquee tool to mark the price on the magazine. I'd found a barcode to use through google images and placed it on to my magazine to make it look more official. I used a glowing effect on the Masthead as I though it made it look more freaky.

Like my Front cover I used the same techniques on my contents page, I liked the stroke blending option for texts and outlining images.Also i used a filter on one of my images to give a more spooky effect. I used a gradient effect along with the stroke effect for this masthead because I found the change in colour, through the gradient interesting.
I have tried to entice customers (college students) with the cheap price and the well established college surroundings. I aslo used halloween associated colours as well to fit in with the theme of the edition. The backround pictures were took at night for a more horrific effect also a flash light was used on the models face on the front cover to make it look more scary. 


  1. Excellent choice of examples; they all communicate clear ideas about the house style.

  2. Proper good choice of examples; they all communicate clear ideas about the house style, well done Mariam.
